


Machinery Breakdown Insurance (MBD)

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The policy covers unforeseen and sudden physical damage to any mechanical and electrical machinery and/or equipment by any cause necessitating repairs and/or replacement

  • Coverage Includes
    • Faulty design
    • Faults at workshop or in erection
    • Defects in casting
    • Faulty operation, lack of skill
    • Negligence
    • Tearing apart on account of centrifugal force
    • Short circuit and other electrical causes
  • General Exclusions
    • Fire, lightning, Chemical Explosion, Burglary and Theft
    • Inundation, flood
    • Earthquake
    • Subsidence, landslide, Impact of land borne, Water borne craft.
    • Wear and tear
    • War or warlike operation
    • Wilful acts or Gross Negligence on the part of the Insured or of his representatives
    • Faults or defects existing at the time of commencement of the insurance which ought to have been or were known to the Insured.
    • Faults or defects for which the supplier is responsible either by law or under contract (losses covered by warranty)
    • Nuclear reaction, Nuclear Radiation or Radioactive contamination
  • Additional Covers
    • Escalation
    • Express Freight
    • Air Freight
    • Owners surrounding property
    • Third party liability
    • Additional custom duty
    • Applicability of policy cover
  • Rating
    • Type of machine
    • Deductible franchise
    • Extensions opted